Retailing 4.0: The New Era of E-commerce in Fast Moving Consumer Goods




E-Grocery, Online/Offline-Native Retailers, E-Commerce P&L, Omni-channel Retailing


The arrival of the online channel has initiated a new cycle in competitiveness among retailers characterized by shoppers’ increasing nomadism around physical and digital touch points. The present work adopts a supply-side analytical approach to highlight drivers and perspectives of e-commerce development within the grocery sector. Research results emphasize that: (i) online-native retailers hold a well-established position of leadership worldwide and thus fundamentally influence e-grocery dynamics as a whole; (ii) the e-commerce channel is characterized by profit margins that are significantly lower than store-based channel ones. This represents the main limitation to online grocery sales growth, above all for offline-native retailers who maintain core business in their bricks & mortar stores.

Author Biographies

Edoardo Fornari, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Associate Professor

Faculty of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 

Dipartimento di Economia Agro-alimentare

Sebastiano Grandi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics and Law

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSes)

Daniele Fornari

Full Professor

Faculty of Economics and Law

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSes)


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How to Cite

Fornari, E., Grandi, S., & Fornari, D. (2018). Retailing 4.0: The New Era of E-commerce in Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, (2), 77–90.