Entrepreneurial Education, Sustainability and Youth Employment


  • Miriam Cresta




Entrepreneurial Mindset, Innovative Teaching, Entrepreneurs and Start-Uppers, Digital Platforms, Multi-Stakeholder, Youth Employment, Local Economic and Social Development, Global Markets


For the future socio-economic development of member States, European policy
makers urge endowing youngsters with an entrepreneurial mindset through
business education starting from school. Such investments in education would
activate a virtuous circle that enables overcoming the miss-match between supply
and demand through effective education, reducing the number of early school
leavers through the introduction of more practice-oriented teaching methods,
increasing youth employment and nurturing a vocation for social innovation at the
local level.


How to Cite

Cresta, M. (2015). Entrepreneurial Education, Sustainability and Youth Employment. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, (3), 30–35. https://doi.org/10.4468/2015.3.04cresta